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About ADHD MedTracking


ADHD Med Tracking (AMT) was developed to help health care providers assess and monitor the ongoing medical treatment of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

This service supports practice guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

We strive to provide an internet based service that is secure, confidential, and user-friendly for parents and teachers and reliable and timely for health care providers.

ADHD Med Tracking was developed by Joseph J. House, Ed.D. a licensed psychologist who has specialized in ADHD assessment and treatment in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area since 1992. Initial website design and planning began in 1998, and the beta version was tested in 2001. Version 1.0 incorporated a modified version of the Vanderbilt Assessment scales recommended by the AAP. A patient self rating form that parallels the Vanderbilt, the Youth ADHD Self Rating Form (House and Swihart, 2006) was added to the website in 2008.

The Vanderbilt Assessment Scales were developed by Mark Wolraich, M.D., and field tested in a collaborative ADHD project sponsored by the National Institute for Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ). These rating scales are included in both the 1st Edition (2002) and 2nd Edition (2011) of the Caring for Children with ADHD toolkit (www.nichq.org).

Kids4Health.net and ADHD Med Tracking are entities of 610 Solutions LLC, Chaska, MN.

The Service

The AMT system gives the clinician important information about a child's behavior in relation to attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity based upon the DSM-IV ADHD criteria. Screening items are included to assess for possible coexisting disorders common in ADHD children. Parents and teachers also rate the child for impairment in functioning, including social, emotional, and academic areas.

After the parent or teacher completes a rating, a report is automatically sent to the physician by fax or by secure, password protected digital download. Initial assessment ratings are collected to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning. Follow-up ratings are used to measure improvement in terms of symptom reduction and improved functioning in important areas of life. Possible medication side effects can also be monitored.

How To Use ADHD Med Tracking

Clinicians will provide the child's parent with an instruction sheet and assignment slip with a clinic-specific ID number. Once the parent completes an initial online rating form, the parent sends an assignment slip to the child's teacher with a request to submit an online teacher rating form.


Information submitted by parents, teachers or youth via the website are for professional use by the child's healthcare provider in their clinical decision-making and delivery of services. Kids4Health.net, 610 Solutions LLC, and MnHealthLink LLC are not in anyway responsible for the medical care services provided to the patient.